Jump forward

Wow! jump forward 2.5 years and that’s how far we have come…who would’ve thought that having a baby would take up so much time that you wouldn’t be able to sit down and blog,

Well a lot has happened in those 2.5 years and our miracle baby has been revealed to us as that in so many more ways,

I will give you the brief rundown of what I was getting at two and half years ago, when I started this blog and give you the short version of this story. It includes things such as miscarriage, fertility specialists and testing, ions of prayers, unsuccessful IUI treatment, and considering adoption. Ultimately when the doctors gave Will and I the results of our testing their really wasn’t a whole lot of answers other than, ‘you aren’t compatible’ (not sure what that means) but it has something to do with our biologies and my eggs and his sperm not matching up the way they should, nothing wrong with me, nothing wrong with him but something wrong with us.

That hit hard, and was painful to think that this man I love, the one who was designed for me  was in any way incompatible with me. However, we trusted God and knew that whatever our future held, kids or no kids – we would trust Him, and together make it through.

Anyways, I hope to be able to go back and share this part of the story in more detail someday but for those of you who have been praying like crazy with us, and who have me as a friend on Facebook you all know, we have the cutest little boy in the whole world (no bias’ here right?). What you might not know is how much of a super hero he is…and what he has endured in the year and half since his birth.

One of the things fertility specialists told us was that IF (big if) we ever did get pregnant that carrying to term might be difficult. Having had one miscarriage already we knew it was possible to get pregnant, but whether we would just be putting ourselves through emotional turmoil we didn’t know. But the pain of not having a little one in our lives was to much so we were willing to try regardless of the end results.

I got pregnant with Daniel in the spring of 2013. We were quite shocked and elated, and couldn’t wait to share with family and friends. However we didn’t want to many people asking questions should it not work out again. So we shared with our parents and a few people we knew could be our close network of prayer and support.

Come the fall of 2013, call it pregnancy hormones or emotional stress, I started to face severe anxiety and depression. The further along I got the more hopeful I got and the more scared. On November 21st 2013 my water broke, and I went into hospital. Baby’s scheduled due date was January 22, 2014

I was placed in antenatal unit, with full monitoring and strict bed rest, I was there for 2 weeks, when I started to develop signs of infection, and on December 6th, 2013, I gave birth to my baby boy.

4lbs…10oz and healthy!

We were shocked and so excited, Daniel was born in an Operating Room attached to the NICU unit, so the team could rush in and take him as soon as he was born, but from all accounts he appeared healthy.

He was closely monitored and underwent multiple tests, each one he continued to pass with flying colors, he grew strong and healthy for 20 days under the care of the Victoria Hospital NICU team, and I rarely left his side but to sleep and eat.

On Boxing Day we got to finally bring him home.

He was a healthy, happy boy and he brings us so much joy, but this is really just the beginning of Daniel’s story and there is so much more to come. If you are interested in reading more about Daniel’s health journey please stay tuned…I will be posting regular blogs to get us all caught up and than sharing updates as we go. Some of it may be complicated, but bear with us, your prayers comments and questions are appreciated and we will do our best to keep you informed.



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